Recommended Blending Equipment For:

Ross serves the requirements of the Pharmaceutical industry, in virtually every industrialized country around the world. We have the experience and production capacity that no other manufacturer of specialty mixing and blending equipment can match.

In the USA alone, we operate five plants, an analytical laboratory and a vigorous R&D program. Overseas, Ross pharmaceutical equipment is being built in our own factories in China and India. Typical applications include mixing, blending, particle size reduction, emulsification, homogenization, powder induction, vacuum processing and more.

Specifications that define a mixer built for a pharmaceutical application reflect a combination of industry standards, and the mixing functions needed for that particular application. A sub-micron emulsion, for example, requires high-shear agitation, vacuum and usually a heat-transfer system. The size of the mixer is determined by the throughput required. To guard against batch-to-batch contamination, CIP and SIP capabilities are usually designed in, along with such devices as air-purged seals and custom designed discharge valves. To ensure a high degree of repeatability and to document the production of every batch, we often add a control system with data-logging capability.

The close connection between specific performance requirements and equipment features is the logical starting point for equipment design. But today, the challenge of specifying and designing a high-performance mixer is more than a two-dimensional process. We regularly address performance needs that are much broader than one particular mixing application. In fact, we often custom design pharmaceutical equipment to meet production needs that have not yet been imagined.

Visit our new Web App to easily search resources, browse images, and learn about Ross Mixing and Blending Technologies in the pharmaceutical industry.


710 Old Willets Path
Hauppauge, NY 11788

Phone: 631-234-0500
Fax: 631-234-0691
Contact: Chris Ross




High Shear Mixers equipped with the Solids/Liquid Injection Manifold (SLIM) Technology deliver powders in an efficient manner for quick wet-out and complete dispersion into low-viscosity liquids.

ROSS, a 180-year-old manufacturer of industrial mixing equipment, has grown into one of North America's most well equipped and respected custom fabricators of storage tanks, pressure vessels and reactors. The pictured US-made 3000-gallon custom-fabricated manufacturing vessels are built and stamped according to ASME Section VIII Div 1, constructed from type 304L stainless steel, and designed for full vacuum up to 200 psi internal pressure at 200 degrees F.

The ROSS Model HSM-405SC-25 is an inline high shear rotor/stator mixing system incorporating SLIM (Solids/Liquid Injection Manifold) Technology. Unlike conventional eductors, the unique SLIM rotor/stator generates a powerful vacuum without the aid of external pumps and pulls powders directly into the mix chamber, promoting instantaneous wet out under high shear conditions. Mounted on a multipurpose skid with load cells, actuated valves and level switches, the pictured HSM-405SC-25 recirculates into a 400-gallon jacketed tank and is controlled from a 15” industrial PC with Windows.

Cannabis-infused products and medical marijuana are at the forefront of an innovative and promising industry. Fueled by a growing consumer base and increasing investor enthusiasm, the cannabis industry is opening the doors to a new generation of cosmetics, beverages, foods, nutritional supplements, pharmaceuticals, and even pet food & wellness products.

Ross V-Blenders are most often used for the intimate dry blending of free flowing solids. The solids being blended in these units can vary in bulk density and in percentage of the total mixture. Materials being blended are constantly being split and intermixed as the shell rotates. Normal cycle times are typically in the range of 15 minutes, however can be less depending on the difficulty of blending.

Ross Double Cone Blenders design is most often used for the intimate dry blending of free flowing solids. The solids being blended in these units can vary in bulk density and in percentage of the total mixture. Materials being blended are constantly being intermixed as the Double Cone rotates. 

Ross is the leading supplier of Ribbon, Tumble and Vertical Blenders for dry powder blending and drying for the process industries. Many products including pharmaceuticals, foods, chemicals, fertilizers, plastics, pigments, and cosmetics are manufactured in Ross dry blending equipment.

Large-scale elliptical head pressure vessels for use as carbon filter tanks. Shown are two 5,000-gallon stainless steel vessels fabricated, designed and stamped for 100 psig at 230 degrees F in accordance with the ASME Code Section VIII, Division 1. Each tank is supplied with various size nozzles, lifting lugs, contoured pipe legs and an elliptical manway.

Ross serves the requirements of the pharmaceutical industry in virtually every industrialized country around the world. Typical applications include mixing, blending, particle size reduction, emulsification, homogenization, powder induction, vacuum processing and more.

Ross manufacturers the world’s broadest line of rotor/stator Pharmaceutical High Shear Mixers.

Description of process
The first step in determining a pharmaceutical mixer for your application, is to consider the steps involved in your pharmaceutical manufacturing process.

Equipment strategies for increasing process versatility in the Medical Industry
The best strategy for improving the versatility and efficiency of your mixing equipment will depend upon the parameters of your particular application. But for most applications, these general guidelines will at least provide a springboard to re-examine your equipment and develop a plan to improve production.


Add a control system that is powerful and flexible

Ross builds polished pharmaceutical storage tanks, pharmaceutical mixing vessels, reactors, pressure vessels and atmospheric tanks, columns and custom transfer tanks to meet the special needs of the pharmaceutical and medical process industries.

Charles Ross and Son Company offers four types of pharmaceutical dry blenders: ribbon, paddle, vertical, and tumble. There is a type of blender that will be most efficient in each application.

Ross is offering a new high-efficiency charging hopper for its line of High Shear Mixers with Solids/Liquid Injection Manifold (SLIM) Technology. The SLIM is a unique rotor/stator device engineered for high-speed powder injection into liquid without the need for eductors or pumps. The improved hopper design ensures a steady rate of feed delivery and prevents “rat holes” or bridging of bulk solids. Typical solids dispersed using the SLIM include fumed silica, CMC, guar gum, carbon black, carrageenan, xanthan gum, talc, alginates, pectin, titanium dioxide, calcium carbonate, starch, clays, alumina, carbomers, sugar, salts, dye powders and other additives or fillers.

The new line of Model 42C Cylindrical Ribbon Blenders are designed to mix dry powders, wet granulations, and paste-like materials with densities up to 100 lb/cubic foot. Available in many sizes from 1/2 to 1,000 cubic feet working capacity, Cylindrical Ribbon Blenders can be built for atmospheric, full vacuum, or internal pressure operation. A full range of standard, heavy-duty, and sanitary models are offered.

Ross SysCon is your single source supply for skid mounted Process Automation. Ross' diverse group engineers and designers has years of experience in multiple different industries ranging from Aerospace to Pharmaceuticals, Pulp and Paper to Automotive, Specialty Chemical to Natural Gas Storage.

Pictured are custom 185-gallon melt kettles rated for full vacuum and 250oF. Each hemispherical vessel is jacketed for 15-psi steam.
Special 100 gallon capacity sanitary mix vessel constructed of type 316 stainless steel. This unit is mounted on a portable cart with a scale. Included is a tilt back air operated propeller agitator, vacuum design, a 100 psi jacket and a sanitary 180 grit finish.

A new 10 page-four color brochure illustrating and describing the company’s extensive line of Motionless Mixers...

The kneader extruder, from Charles Ross & Son, combines a double-arm mixer with an extrusion...

Charles Ross & Son Company's Three Roll Mills are useful for research, development and a variety of laboratory purposes...

Elevated Discharge Systems from Charles Ross & Son Company are available to raise the mix can above the floor...
Charles Ross & Son Company's laboratory discharge systems, for up to four gallon mix cans, are the...

The Ross Inline SLIM is a powder induction and mixing device based on the Ross Inline Mixer Emulsifier. The Inline SLIM consists of a rotor and stator mixing arrangement, specially designed to create negative pressure (vacuum) behind the rotor, which can be used as the motive force to suck powdered (or liquid) ingredients directly into the stream of the incoming liquid.

Ross High Shear InLine Rotor-Stator Mixers are built to strict Sanitary Standards for use in the Food and Pharmaceutical Industries.

Charles Ross and Son Company has announced a stocking program covering its popular line of Ribbon Blenders. The Blenders are available for sale or rental.

Ross maintains an 8000 sq.ft. Test and Development Center at its Hauppauge New York facilities.

The highest shear rotor/stator design is the new Ross MegaShear rotor/stator mixer...

Ross Introduces New Design of the Laboratory Double Planetary Mixer

Triple Shaft 200 gallon VersaMix

Every process engineer who has worked with powders such as fumed silica, CMC, guar, xanthan, carageenan, alginates and other thickeners has come face to face with one of the toughest challenges in mixing. Many of the powders that are most often used in the process industries are infuriatingly hard to wet out and mix. They will float for hours on the surface of a liquid batch.
Stainless Steel Sanitary Vessels are available in a variety of sizes and shapes. The vessels shown are all constructed in type 316 ss and are designed for vacuum operation. Each includes a variety of nozzles and a large manway for ingredient addition.
Powder induction shifts into overdrive. In the SLIM system, solids are combined with the liquid flow at precisely the point where positive mixing takes place. A specially modified rotor/stator generator equipped with Progressive Spiral Porting creates a powerful vacuum and draws the powder directly into the high shear zone, where it is instantly dispersed into the liquid stream.
Charles Ross & Son Company today announced the recent opening of a second manufacturing plant in China.
The OLSA 150 Liter Vacuum Mixer Homogenizer is a complete vacuum mixing and homogenizing plant that includes self-contained vacuum system and hot water heat transfer system.<
Sanitary Pressure Pot - 250 gallon working capacity -l rated for Full vacuum and 75psi internal pressure @ 100*C -Material of construction 316L -Dimpled jacket, rated for 150 psi @ 150*F on sides and bottom

Special 100 gallon capacity sanitary mix vessel constructed of type 316 stainless steel

Coils inside a vessel are often added to maintains product temperature.
Vessel is designed for 15 psig and fabricated and stamped in accordance with ASME Section VIII, Division 1 - Six (6) double turns of 3"-sch half-pipe for heating

Stainless Steel Sanitary Tanks & Vessels are available in a variety of sizes and shapes for process manufacturing. The vessels are constructed in type 316 ss and are designed for vacuum operation. Each includes a variety of nozzles and a large manway for ingredient addition.

Series 500 High Shear Mixers are built for service in critical manufacturing environments that require vacuum and/or pressure

Charles Ross & Son Company’s Sanitary PVM 200-gallon VersaMix was designed to produce sanitary emulsions in short mixing cycles...

Ross manufactures a range of sizes from ½ through 515 cu.ft. working capacity. Ross blenders are supplied with several agitator design possibilities including continuous or cut-out ribbons for center or end discharge, a paddle design is also offered for shear sensitive blending applications.

Charles Ross & Son Company now offers a multi-agitator VersaMix specially engineered to produce shear-sensitive creams and lotions.

The DPM line of Double Planetary Mixers is available in standard 1, 2 and 4 gallon sizes.

The HV Blade enhances the capability of the Planetary Mixer.

Ross Double Planetary Mixers produce a variety of high viscosity products in many applications

Ross SLIM system and a batch mixer emulsifier disperses solids like TiO2 , carbon black, and fumed silica instantly
Quad Slot Rotor generator is designed to supplement the company's line of in-line mixers form 1/2 to 200 HP...
Ross SysCon Introduces New Batch Dilution System

The Dual Shaft Mixer from Charles Ross & Son Company is designed to handle...

The Model PD-40 PowerMix is a change-can mixer used for high viscosity vacuum mixing and dispersion requirements

Ross X-Series Mixer Emulsifiers are base on a rotor/stator generator design in which the blades of a rotor...

Ross-Lube is for nearly all mixing and blending applications. The lubricant can reduce wear by

The 50 liter Turboemulsifier is suitable for the production of smaller production batches or for the development of new products in a pilot plant setting
Charles Ross & Son Company has recently introduced a new line of Cylindrical Dryers for the chemical process industries.

The new Model 100LC High Shear Mixer being offered by Charles Ross and Son Company is designed to be the most versatile bench-top laboratory mixer available. A power lift makes raising and lowering the mix head as easy as pushing a button.

The Ross High Shear InLine Rotor-Stator Mixer is used to develop new processes or for low volume continuous production of high value added products.

The Model 405SB High Shear Mixer System includes an In-Line SLIM (solid liquid injection system), and a 50 gallon jacketed recirculation vessel for high-speed powder induction. The system is constructed of easily cleanable stainless steel.

Ross Dual Shaft Mixers are an ecomonical alternative for the mixing and dispersion of viscous products. Vacuum and jacketed vessels are standard features of this design.

Stainless Steel Tanks - Vertical process tank 8 ft.x 8 ft. and having a capacity of 3,700 gallons.
Double Cone Blenders are most often used for the intimate dry blending of free flowing solids. The solids being blended in these units can vary in bulk density and in percentage of the total mixture. Materials being blended are constantly being intermixed as the Double Cone rotates. Normal cycle times are typically in the range of 10 minutes, however they can be less depending on the difficulty of blending. Ross Double Cone Blenders are in stock in 5, 10 and 15 cu.ft. capacity. A full range of sizes from 1/2 to 80 cu. ft working capacity is available. Each is constructed of type 316-stainless steel and is internally polished to a 240 grit sanitary finish. The exterior is polished to an easily cleaned 150-grit finish. All Ross Double Cone Blenders are supplied with Intensifier bars to permit delumping and deagglomeration as needed. Discharge is accomplished through a manually operated Butterfly valve. The valve is positioned 24” from the floor when in the bottom position. All units are provided with appropriate safety railings and appropriately interlocked safety interlocks. Stop-Start and E-Stop Pushbuttons are included with all blenders.
The X-Series High Shear Mixer being offered by Charles Ross and Son Company is now being offered with several new optional design features.

High Shear Inline Rotor-Stator Mixers. Ideal for process manufacturing needs.

Ross has been the leading manufacturer of planetary mixers around the world since we introduced the original Double Planetary Mixer more than 75 years ago.

Ross is the leading manufacturer of Multi-Shaft Mixers and has been since we introduced the original Multi-Shaft Mixer 30 years ago...

The Inline High Shear Mixer Emulsifier is designed to assist in the wetting of difficult-to-wet solids or minor liquids, on a continuous basis...

V-Blenders designs are most often used for the intimate dry blending of free flowing solids. The solids being blended in these units can vary in bulk density and in percentage of the total mixture. Materials being blended are constantly being split and intermixed as the shell rotates.

Charles Ross & Son Company, the leader in specialty mixing and dispersion equipment, is now offering complete skid mounted static mixing systems

The company offers the triple shaft 200 gallon VersaMix designed to provide maximum process flexibility to the user.

Double Cone Blenders are most often used for the intimate dry blending of free flowing solids. The solids being blended in these units can vary in bulk density and in percentage of the total mixture. Materials being blended are constantly being intermixed as the Double Cone rotates. Normal cycle times are typically in the range of 10 minutes, however they can be less depending on the difficulty of blending.

The Charles Ross and Son's Ribbon Blender range in capacity from 1/2 cu. ft. to 515 cu. ft. capacities. Ross Blenders are stocked and are constructed in carbon and stainless steel. Standard and Sanitary models are available to meet special production requirements.

This Lab Vertical Blenders are designed for vacuum operation and includes a jacketed vessel wall for heating and cooling

Complete Vacuum Drying Systems are available to meet the needs of each application. The systems typically include a mixer/blender, filter condenser, vacuum pump, and a condensate receiving vessel

Paddle Blenders consist of a U-shaped horizontal trough and a fabricated paddle agitator

Stainless Steel Tanks - This 1000 Liter Stainless Steel Sanitary tank is constructed of type 316 stainless steel

A new design for vacuum and pressure applications has been introduced. The Blenders can be constructed in materials of construction to suit the application...

Ross Stocks New Stainless Steel Ribbon Blenders in many sizes from 1 through 120 cu.ft.


Series 500 High Shear Mixers are built for service in critical manufacturing environments that require vacuum and/or internal pressure operation. The mixers are built with either single or double mechanical seals.

Charles Ross & Son's line of double planetary mixers produce a variety of viscosity products

Mixers- The Double Planetary Mixers contains two mixing blades that revolve on their own axis, as well as on a common axis, within the mix vessel. The mix pattern ensures that all materials in the vessel are intermixed within a few minutes.

Charles Ross & Son’s PreMax rotor/stator mixer is available in a range of sizes for laboratory options development...


Charles Ross and Son Company

710 Old Willets Path

Hauppauge, NY 11788


Phone: 631-234-0500

Fax: 631-234-0691

Contact: Sales



  • Explore ideas for selecting the right inline high-shear mixer for your process based on a company’s collective experience as a mixing equipment provider to process industries.

  • Mixer testing simulation trials are necessary to confirm the suitability of a specific mixing strategy. Explore five ways to increase energy efficiency in new and existing mixing processes.

  • Mixing is one of the most common operations in food processing, but comes with challenges -- batch-to-batch uniformity, optimizing blend times, and most importantly: improving cleanliness.

  • Mixing processes vary from one application to another and there are no fix-all solutions.This white paper presents some strategies for improving commonly encountered batch mixing problems.

  • Uniformly dispersing powders into a liquid batch in a practical amount of time is a common problem for F&B manufacturers. This white paper explores five tips for dispersing powders more efficiently.

  • Purchasing new mixing equipment is typically not a hasty event. As with any capital investment, the purchase of a new mixing system ideally requires time and research.

  • Mixing equipment employed in the production of pharmaceuticals and medical devices deal with a higher level of complexity because their use is more specialized. Not one design fits all.

  • This paper provides practical information on the efficient use of specialty mixing equipment for the preparation of low, medium and high viscosity solid-liquid mixtures under low and high shear conditions.

  • When selecting mixing systems, foresight for scale-up is important for long-term success. A quick shift between systems can be the difference between economical success and a financial disaster.

  • Creating an efficient mixing system is a balancing act. Throughput must be balanced against batch size, agitator sizes, motor sizes, shear speeds, viscosity, and many other variables.

  • This white paper explains the rules for mixers and the applications for which two, three, or even four different types of mixers can conceivably provide an optimal tool to achieve your process goals.

  • Vacuum drying is ideal for processing heat-sensitive materials without risk of thermal degradation. It also allows manufacturers to recover costly solvents or safely dispose of any harmful volatiles removed from the closed system.

  • This white paper presents an overview of mixing technologies employed in the dispersion of nano-sized solid particles into liquid. By Christine Banaszek

  • Over the years, static mixer suppliers have developed their own models and formulas for sizing. Charles Ross' LPD/LLPD static mixers are well known for their wide ranging uses in turbulent and laminar flow mixing applications.
  • The aim of this paper is to provide a brief compilation of technical and practical information on high viscosity mixing based on the collective experience of Charles Ross mixing experts.
  • As major developments continue to advance in the areas of renewable energy, green construction, green chemistry and many other markets, new mixing applications and processing challenges arise. The aim of this paper is to provide practical information on certain mixing requirements currently seen within selected green industries and how these production needs are being met through the efficient use of specialty mixing equipment.
  • In processing plants around the world, ribbon blenders are used to mix many thousands of products, from fertilizers and plastic resins to flavored coffees and cosmetics. By Charles Ross and Son Company
  • In processing plants around the world, ribbon blenders are used to mix many thousands of products, from fertilizers and plastic resins to flavored coffees and cosmetics. By Charles Ross and Son Company
  • A few years ago, the process of selecting a mixer for most applications was straight- forward. When increased demand required an increase in production, process engineers were naturally inclined to choose the type of mixer that had worked before in the same application. When they began talking to equipment manufacturers, their questions focused on capacity, auxiliary equipment, projected delivery and price. Many tested equipment before signing a purchase order. By Charles Ross and Son Company
  • Unanticipated demand spikes, product line expansions and process improvements generally spell good business. But they may also spell the sudden need for processing equipment. By Charles Ross and Son Company