
Formed Packaging: Water Soluble Film

Source: Harro Höfliger Packaging Systems
The formed packaging with water-soluble film also stands for optimal user-friendliness and convenience or application.

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Datasheet: Formed Packs With Water Soluble Film

Products sold as ready-to-use unit are rapidly coming into fashion.There is the distinct trend to package detergents and cleansers in water-soluble formed packs. A truly clever solution: on use the product is bound to come into contact with water.

The water-soluble film also stands for optimal user-friendliness and convenience or application. No longer is there any skin contact with irritating materials. The user can dose the product safely and easily.

During the past years, Höfliger has concretised a number of lines for this product range. From the filling of gel to the dosing of pastes, granulates and powders - Höfliger has the potential and capability to package everything in way of detergents and cleansers. These film packs have a highly fragile structure - so Höfliger uses the appropriately sensitive techniques. Based on the technologies for producing formed packages this product range opens up completely new and exciting marketing opportunities.

Click Here To Download:
Datasheet: Formed Packs With Water Soluble Film