Vortex Nozzle Centrifuge
The system utilizes a patented vortex nozzle that allows for continuous, smooth, foam-free discharge of concentrate. Compared to other centrifuge types, this separator has a low shear concentrate discharge, maintained under pressure to maximize cell viability during concentration. The larger dimensions of the vortex nozzle, compared to a conventional nozzle, offers less chance of clogging with oversized particles. The solids content of the discharged concentrate is kept almost constant, regardless of fluctuations in the feed flow or concentration.
The separator has a disc-type bowl with solids pockets machined out of the periphery. Solids are forced outward into the pockets and then through each pocket's concentrate tube and through the vortex discharge nozzle into the paring chamber.
Containment is assured by two double mechanical seals on the bowl spindle and safe handling of air in the pneumatic system. The centrifuge is designed for hygienic operation with process contact parts constructed of high-grade stainless steel. The machine can be automatically cleaned in place with a pneumatically operated CIP discharge system.
<%=company%>, Industrial Separation Division, 955 Mearns Road, Warminster, PA 18974-0556. Phone: 800-431-8230. Fax: 215-443-4112.