Temperature Indicators For Shipping And Storage
Monitor the temperatures that your perishable, fragile, or sensitive goods are subjected to during transit. ShockWatch Environmental Indicators monitor temperatures during shipping and storage, indicating whether goods have been subjected to unacceptable conditions.
Incredibly effective, yet incredibly cost optimized — ShockWatch cold chain solutions mean “handle with care” at all stages of shipping, handling and storage. Temperature Indicators are single use devices that visually indicate when temperatures fall or rise outside of acceptable range. All of our temperature monitoring products are rigorously tested, highly accurate & consistent, easy to read and tamperproof.
ShockWatch temperature indicators include a broad range of activation temperature thresholds, can be part of a scalable program to address additional monitoring needs (like shock, vibration pressure, etc) and may include recorders, accessories, and training and consulting services.
Temperature indicator features
- Armable from anywhere in the cold chain
- Indicators can be shipped without special packaging or preconditioning
- Easy-to-read with a definitive color change
- Accurate & affordable
- Options aligned to time & temperature sensitivity of individual products
- Ensure best practices & alert parties of potential product instability
- Available in rolls for easy dispensing in high volume scenarios