
S47 SevenMulti™ Dual Meter pH / Conductivity

The modular design of this ingenious instrument allows you to upgrade your meter for future need at any time. For example, to convert it to a dual channel instrument, control a sample changer or even check the instrument's status via your local network

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SevenMulti™ pH/conductivity meter - professional performance with modular expansion possibilities at any time!
  • Modular system for pH, conductivity, ion concentration and ISFET
  • Increased efficiency through various automation options
  • Connection to network with special communication modules
  • State of the art data management with 1000 GLP compliant measuring points
  • Compliance with latest USP standards for ultra pure water
The modular design of this ingenious instrument allows you to upgrade your meter for future need at any time. For example, to convert it to a dual channel instrument, control a sample changer or even check the instrument's status via your local network. Overall, a sophisticated concept for the challenges of today and tomorrow.

Cond. resolution 0.01 uS/cm to 1000 mS/cm, autoscaling
Cond. accuracy /- 0.5%
pH-range -2.00 to 19.999
pH-resolution variable: 0.001 / 0.01 / 0.1
pH-relative accuracy ± 0.001
mV-range -1999 to 1999
mV-resolution 0.1
mV-relative accuracy ± 0.1
Temperature range °C -30 to 130
Temperature resolution °C 0.1
Temperature accuracy °C ± 0.1
TDS range 0.1 mg/L ... 1000 g/L
Resistivity range 0.00 ... 20 MOhm*cm
Salinity range 0.00 ... 80.00
Display Custom LCD
Interface RS232 (standard), TTL and USB optional
Power supply Ext. power supply (included)

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Brochure: Instruments in motion – powered by Seven