
Radiopharmaceutical Dispensing And Infusion System

IRIDE can inject a patient with a FDG single-dose starting from a multi-dose vial. IRIDE is compact, easy to move and is battery operated. The radioactive product is completely contained in a sterile/ disposable kit; after each patient injection only the terminal part must be changed.

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IRIDE can inject a patient with a FDG single-dose starting from a multi-dose vial. IRIDE is compact, easy to move and is battery operated. The radioactive product is completely contained in a sterile/ disposable kit; after each patient injection only the terminal part must be changed.

FDG total activity is measured by an ionization chamber. The FDG multi-dose vial is directly loaded into the machine with its own shipping container. IRIDE is designed for use with most commercially available containers. Max FDG multi-dose vial activity is 700 mCi. IRIDE has no limitation on FDG initial volume or concentration.

The entire content of the multi-dose vial is transferred into a 250 ml bulk container; the multi-dose vial is then completely rinsed with saline solution and emptied. The FDG activity and volume (by weight) are measured, so activity concentration is accurately calculated (precision better than 2%).

Main features

  • Injects FDG into patients starting from Multi-Dose vial
  • FDG Multi-Dose vial loaded on IRIDE directly with its own shipping container
  • Incoming FDG activity up to 700 mCi – 25,9 GBq
  • Dose-rate less than 20 µSv/h at 100 mm from external surface
  • No limits on FDG volume and concentration
  • Incoming FDG can be totally delivered to patients; no waste is generated
  • CE labelled as Medical Device.

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Radiopharmaceutical Dispensing And Infusion System Brochure