
Perfima: Coating Pan

Source: IMA S.p.A.
Coating Pan - The Perfima coating pan is a perforated pan for tablet film and sugar coating. The pan has a round shape and the mixing baffles are positioned on the central part of the drum. The shape is the same of the well-known IMA GS solid wall pan and has proven over the years to guarantee the best mixing results.

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Perfima: Coating Pan Flyer

Perfima is a perforated pan for tablet film and sugar coating. The pan has a round shape and the mixing baffles are positioned on the central part of the drum. The shape is the same of the well-known IMA GS solid wall pan and has proven over the years to guarantee the best mixing results.

The machine can work a wide range of batches: from 25% to 100% of the pan capacity can be processed with no need to change the drum. Mixing baffles are always covered by the product during the process, so that spray guns distribute the coating solution directly on the tablets without making the baffles dirty. The spray guns feature an Anti-Bearding-Cap (ABC) system avoiding guns clogging while the machine is working. Additionally they are fitted on a sliding support arm and are positioned and adjusted from the outside by using the relevant device. Position and dimensions of the outlet air duct are designed to guarantee a good and uniform drying of the product, thus saving energy.

The processing area is completely isolated by inflatable seals and the machine is equipped with a completely automatic Clean In Place system that has been validated by the University of Parma.

The Perfima can be easily inspected from the front and side doors and can be installed "through the wall."

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Perfima: Coating Pan Flyer