Model 575 Paramagnetic Oxygen Analyzer
The Model 575 was validated against the referee ORSAT method cited in USP 23. Accuracy over the analyzer's full operating range is +/-0.1% oxygen, meeting the USFDA accuracy requirements for verification of medical oxygen purity.
Servomex paramagnetic oxygen analyzers have long been the industry standard for making strength, identity and purity tests of medical oxygen. Over 4000 Servomex analyzers are used to make this measurement. The Model 575 joins the popular 570 and 572 models as the lowest priced paramagnetic oxygen analyzer approved for this application. The oxygen specific paramagnetic method eliminates the necessity of running costly and time consuming CO2 interference tests.
Servomex offers annual Preventive Maintenance (PM) and Certified Technical Training for Medical Oxygen Transfillers.
Servomex Company Incorporated, 90 Kerry Place, Norwood, MA 02062-4733. Tel: 781-769-7710; Fax: 781-769-2834.