
Applying ICH Q10: Pharmaceutical Quality System

Source: David Begg Associates
The ICH Q10 Document (Pharmaceutical Quality System) document was signed off in June 2008. It sets out the thinking of both regulators and industry as to what a modern pharmaceutical quality system should contain and how this is used with existing GMPs.

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Course Brochure: Applying ICH Q10: Pharmaceutical Quality System

The ICH Q10 Document (Pharmaceutical Quality System) document was signed off in June 2008. It sets out the thinking of both regulators and industry as to what a modern pharmaceutical quality system should contain and how this is used with existing GMPs.

It completes the trio of guidelines, alongside Q8 and Q9, that provides the basis to modernize pharmaceutical development and manufacturing (and their associated regulatory processes) towards more science and risk-based approaches.

This course will provide the background for Q10, explain its content and highlight the opportunities its implementation will facilitate.

Dates / Locations:

January 26-27 Philadephia Center City
January 29-30 San Francisco Marriott Fisherman's Wharf

Course Fee: $1775

A 20% discount is available for additional people from the same company / site.

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Course Brochure: Applying ICH Q10: Pharmaceutical Quality System